
To keep a record of the products/services procured by a customer, an ‘Invoice' is used. The entire details regarding the customer’s purchase including information of products purchased and their value, taxes, credits, refunds, additional charges and discounts are enclosed in an invoice. An invoice typically provides the following details:

  • Information of the seller
  • Information of the buyer
  • Sold items, the subsequent quantity and unit price of every product
  • Discounts or Taxes
  • Net amount to be paid by the buyer

Once the invoice to all payments made is created between the buyer and the merchant, the whole process flow of invoicing and starting from a new subscription’s registration will be automated by ChargeMonk. Notifications emails can be sent to buyers to inform them about the transaction status.

Invoice can be generated if:

  • Creation/renewal/updating of a subscription happens.
  • Addition of a new charge takes place using the Add Charge option.
  • An Addon is added in a subscription with the help of Add Addon option
  • For Unbilled Charges an invoice is generated
  • An invoice is restored using Regenerate Invoice option

And more.